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Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind…

You know, there’s a saying that every household in India has a giant plastic bag somewhere that is stuffed with more plastic bags. I keep makingĀ fun of my mom because she hordes plastic bags with a passion. If it were a valuable heirloom, I’d be one of the richest people in the world today. Ha! Now kindly take a look at my kitchen.

Exhibit A: Secret stash of plastic bags hidden in reams of plastic bags stuffed into a giant paper bag. Kind of like Inception, starring plastic bags instead of dreams. Also on display is a paper bag full of menu cards.

photo 2

Exhibit B: More examples of my carbon foot print legacy

Duty free plastic bags
Duty free plastic bags

Exhibit C: OMG, that can’t be another plastic bag full of more plastic bags. I should be seeing someone about this.

And then some more
And then some more

My biggest fear is that one of these days, I’m going to return home to find the plastic bags somehow tangled around my gas cylinder in the kitchen, causing the gas to leak and the kitchen itself to eventually explode into shreds. And by the time M and I enter home, we’d be breathing in toxic fumes which will choke us and cause us to die, right there. If the explosion doesn’t kill us, that is. Either way, everyone dies.

But on a serious note, really, is it practically possible to eliminate plastic completely without having to pay a bomb for containers and disposal bags?

Also, does anyone else mourn the cancellation of Happy Endings? I know it was discontinued some two years back, but sometimes I think about it and it makes me sad. I love that show. There’s a new one called Marry Me, created by the same guy, and it looks promising. I never got on the GoT bandwagon, but give me a good sitcom any day and I’m grateful to be alive.